Patch 5.2: Build 16618

Hotfix 45

Bald wird der Build 16618 auf die Testserver für den kommenden Patch 5.2 aufgespielt. In diesem Update werden hauptsächlich nur weitere Klassenänderungen durchgeführt, welche bisherige Schwachstellen ein wenig ausbalancieren sollen. Da der Patch bereits in den nächsten Wochen erscheinen wird, kann man jetzt leider keine großartigen Neuerungen mehr erwarten.

Glory of the Thundering Raider:

Solltet ihr als Spieler alle Erfolge bei den Bossen im neuen “Thron des Donners” abschließen erhaltet ihr den Erfolg “ Glory of the Thundering Raider“. Diese Errungenschaft wird euch nun mit einer blauen Version der Reins of the Armored Skyscreamer belohnen.

Donnergeschmiedete Gegenstände:

Mittlerweile wurde eine ganze Reihe von neuen donnergeschmiedeten Gegenständen auf dem Testserver entdeckt, welche ihr mit einer geringen Wahrscheinlichkeit von den Bossen im “Thron des Donners” erbeuten könnt. Während hier nur einige der neuen Items aufgelistet sind, so findet ihr unter diesem Link eine etwas vollständigere Liste der bisher bekannten Gegenstände.



  • Blood Plague damage and AP scaling increased by 30%.
  • Frost Fever AP scaling increased by 30%.
  • Howling Blast base damage increased by 23%.
  • Icy Talons now increases melee attack speed by 30%, up from 20%.
  • Might of the Frozen Wastes causes all melee attacks deal an additional 20% damage wielding a two-handed weapon, up from 10%.
  • Scourge Strike additional damage increased by 16% and weapon damage increased to 140%, up from 130%.


  • Steady Shot additional damage increased by 44% and weapon damage increased to 60%, up from 50%.
  • Aimed Shot weapon damage increased to 350%, up from 320%. Additional damage increased by 20%.
  • Chimera Shot now does 315% ranged weapon Nature damage, up from 210%. Additional damage increased by 125%. Now heals you for 5% of your total health, up from 3%.
  • Black Arrow damage and AP scaling increased by 15%.
  • Explosive Shot damage and AP scaling increased by 15%.


  • Arcane Missiles damage and SP scaling reduced by 2%.
  • Arcane Barrage base damage reduced by 3% and no longer lists SP scaling.
  • Arcane Blast base damage and SP scaling reduced by 3%.
  • Arcane Missiles damage and SP scaling reduced by 2%.


  • Jab now costs 8% of Base Mana, up from 6%.
  • Muscle Memory now restores 4% mana, up from 2%.


  • Penance now has a 40 yd range, up from 30.
  • Power Infusion now increases all damage by 5%, down from 10%.
  • Penance now has a 9 sec cooldown, down from 10 sec.
  • Mind Blast base damage reduced 17%. SP scaling reduced to 191%, down from 229%.
  • Shadowform now increases your Shadow damage by 25%, up from 20%.


  • Dispatch now does 460% weapon damage, up from 400%. Additional damage increased by 33%.
  • Envenom base damage increased by 20%.
  • Vitality increases your Attack Power by 35%, up from 30%.


  • Elemental Focus proc now increases spell damage done by 15%, up from 10%.
  • Shamanism now increases the damage of Lightning Bolt by 70%, up from 50%.


  • Shadow Bolt damage and SP scaling increased by 15%.
  • Hand of Gul’dan damage and SP scaling increased by 15%.
  • Metamorphosis: Touch of Chaos damage and SP scaling increased by 15%.
  • Soul Fire damage and SP scaling increased by 22%.
  • Conflagrate damage and SP scaling increased by 20%.
  • Immolate damage and SP scaling increased by 20%.
  • Incinerate damage and SP scaling increased by 10%.


  • Colossus Smash base damage increased by 900% (tooltip fix).